Wednesday 25 March 2015


As a country, we all know Nigeria needs God’s intervention. How else can we get out of our present predicaments as a Nation?

Northern leaders have failed us! Southern Leaders have failed us! Eastern leaders have failed us! Western leaders have failed us. This totally strikes tribalism out of our options for a better Nation.

We have in the past, elected leaders who claimed to be Christians, we have had leaders who claimed to be Muslims, we have even had leaders who belonged to other minor and secret religions, but they have all failed us. For any sane person, this should also strike out the option of religion in the forthcoming elections.

All we need is a leader with the fear of God. A leader who won’t turn deaf ears to the plight of over 200 helpless little girls. A leader who has financial accountability and won’t turn a blind eye to a missing 20 billion dollars. A leader who fears God so much that he won’t just fold his arms and watch several Nigerian youths die after being extorted to a sum of One Thousand Naira all in the name of employment provision. We need a leader who will not lie to over One hundred and sixty million Nigerians without feeling a thing.

This is what our men of God should have worked towards. I remember the SNG-300 meeting in 2010, I am sure I was the youngest in that meeting, not even up to twenty years of age. About 300 of us were at NECCA building and we analyzed all presidential aspirants. Everybody had a say and we all ended up with one man. There were debates and arguments, but we all had something in common. We wanted Nigeria to move forward. And we easily picked the best, because none of us had hidden agendas, at least not a majority of us.

If about 300 people from various tribes, ages, religions and social status could do this, why could our Men of God not do the same? These men disappointed me yet again. There was a news that some of them gathered at the Redemption camp, yet they could not come to a logical agreement, rather two Bishops got involved in a heated argument. Are they not all supposed to be fighting the same cause of progress? Why do they have so much hatred flowing amongst them? Why are they so jealous of each other?

 In 2011 they did not jointly support their own Pastor Tunde Bakare: they claimed he had offended most of them. They all forgot about the forgiveness they usually preached in church. (They rarely preach it anymore, all that matters in this jet era are sermons on bountiful sowing of seeds)  

 Its 2015, and they still will not rally support for Pastor Osibanjo: Is he too small for them? IS it because he does not attend their denomination? They have never supported Pastor Okotie, they’ll rather trade insults with that Pastor on the pages of our newspapers. What more do they want from God? Are they waiting for God to send an apostle from heaven before they will support their own? Why are these men like this?

They will rather drum support for the man who brought us all to this point. The man who brought C.A.N. to its present shameful state. A man who they call their Christian president. He toured almost all their churches in build up to the elections and not one of them could at least advise him, if they were so scared to tell him the truth. They were so much in awe of the presence of the man, I can only wonder what will happen if Jesus visits them. Yet they all claim to see Jesus regularly. But one thing that gladdened my heart was how the man went ahead to visit the Awujale of Ijebuland who was quick to clothe him in a full occult regalia. Christian Association of Nigeria, there goes your Christian president!

I have no issues with whoever anyone supports, but as a spiritual leader and mentor, don’t tag a man a Christian and force it on us Christians. It is not fair. Even if you choose to support an inmate from Kirikiri prison, you owe us the moral responsibility of making sure you convert this rogue before supporting him and advising him not to go back to his old ways.

There was also an allegation of a 7Billion Naira bribe to the Christian Association of Nigeria, and with Pastor. Ayo Oritsejafor in the picture, I immediately believed the allegation. Although some people called it PDP’s tithe to ‘the church’, I will choose to simply call it Honorarium. Some of our Bishops, Reverends, Apostles, Prophets, Arch-Bishops, Evangelists, etc. received money to endorse a candidate. It is a big shame. But I was not surprised, I only deduced the kind of Men of God that pastor armed robbers, prostitutes, scammers, people who steal and people who are corrupt. I don’t know if it is worse or better that some of these men did it for other reasons: some of them want appointments for their notable children in the Lord, some of them need presidential influence to travel to certain countries where they are currently banned from entering, some of them want control of the arm purchasing sector, some of them want a free hand in the educational sector, the list is unending.

This reminds me of a biblical occurrence in ‘Jeremiah 28’. King Zedekiah of Judah had plunged that nation into great trouble and even God was against them. Yet prophets were always in his presence, always feeding fat on the palace goodies and apparently receiving honorarium from the king. Their mouths were too filled with food, they could not open it to caution the King. Then came Prophet Jeremiah, who had enough instruction and courage from the Lord to warn the King. He went to the palace to tell the King of the impending disaster, but while he was doing that, one of the rogue prophets named Hananiah opposed Jeremiah and even prophesied falsely to ridicule Jeremiah. Hananaih eventually outshined Prophet Jeremiah and he was believed because he was a ‘bigger’ Prophet or should we call him a Bishop? Hananiah proved to hear better from God than Jeremiah did, and Hananiah was cheered and this further put the king’s mind at peace.

But in the end, Prophet Jeremiah was vindicated and his prophecy came to pass, while Hananiah on the other hand got the maximum punishment from God and even till today and this moment, he is still being used as a bad example.

Our men of God have said all sort of things. Some have been like Jeremiah, stating the undiluted truth, while the others have been towing the path of Hananiah. It is noteworthy that he ‘Hananiahs’ are slaves to tribalism, empty religion, and of course their ‘honorarium stacked pockets’.

Is your spiritual leader a ‘Jeremiah’ or a ‘Hananiah’? Does he have a logical or spiritual defense for the political stand he has taken? Or does he just play on your emotions on Sundays? Only time will tell. I am very sure that the ‘Hananiahs’ will not go unpunished, while the ‘Jeremiahs’ will definitely be vindicated. Only time will tell and only God will be the judge! Regardless of the outcome of the elections, I am sure God will expose the ‘Hananiahs’ and deal with them accordingly.

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