Wednesday 7 October 2015

Dear Ogun State Youths, Say No To Violence

Here is a quite popular article I wrote as we approached the 2015 general elections, when I saw what politicians were doing to the youths of Ogun State. As the convener of the Gateway Youth Awards, it was my duty to speak up and make sure the youths did not get it wrong.

 It got featured on TheTrentOnline.Com. and several other websites Click here to view on thetrentonline link

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It is sad enough that most of our politicians and leaders do not care about the average youth. A politician will care for himself and his family before he even pretends to think of you.
Don’t be fooled! If they really cared, why will you pay such exploitative fees as school fees, and some weeks to the election the fees were greatly reduced. Is that love and care? Or is it just another bait which some of you have successfully swallowed?
The present administration even tried in terms of good road networks, some previous administrations did not even care enough to give you good roads. As long as their families and associates drove good vehicles with great shock absorbing systems, they were cool. They did not think of those of you that didn’t have good cars and those of you that made use of rickety cabs.
That period has come again, when they will be willing to offer you peanuts to buy your votes, support and even intellectual abilities. That is even still bearable. The unbearable one which should not be tolerated is that, in which they pay you for your life. I mean, is your life so worthless?
During the primary elections of a certain party, guns, cutlasses, knives, charms, etc. were freely used. They were freely used by youths. Some lost their lives, some were injured, and some were maimed. Just imagine what will become of the parent of those unfortunate ones, their friends and even their lovers and spouses.
The truth is that your life is so priceless and no amount of money or promises will ever be enough for you to put your life on the line in such a disgraceful way. If you really want to die, there are several honorable ways to go about it.
No matter how strong you are physically or spiritually, many like you have been killed and nobody ever cared. Leaders of cult groups have also lost their lives. They died like chickens and not as brave men they posed to be. So what will make you different?
IF ANY POLITICIAN WANTS BLOOD, LET HIM ARM HIS CHILDREN AND SEND THEM OUT ON VAMPIRE MISSIONS. Dear politician, it is not too late for you to send your children to shooting ranges, combat trainings, etc. Just leave our youths alone. We youths of Ogun State are saying NO to violence.
And if there is any youth who thinks he is totally hopeless in life, and goes ahead to court these evil politicians for violent purposes, let us expose him. Secretly call his parents and loved ones. Call the police anonymously if necessary. Let us collectively refuse to be used by these heartless politicians.
Also our ladies, hold yourselves in high value and refuse to be used as objects of negotiation or pleasure by these heartless men. Whatever happened to your dignity in the first place, just preserve your life and destiny. Don’t be caught in a crossfire.
God be with us all.

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